Elder Gardner – The Atonement – Bareback (2017)

When Elder Gardner was called back to the temple, he was full of excited anticipation. He knew he was once again going to meet with President Ballard and it made his heart race.

The president and he had become very intimate, spending most of their private time together kissing and having sex. It was a sexy secret that made him unbelievably giddy.

He knew he was supposed to keep that secret and never talk about his trysts with the handsome president. He was also not to mention the Order or any of the sex he’d been having. But one day the excitement was more than he could contain.

While he and his companion, Elder Lund, were talking about controlling sexual urges, Elder Gardner let it slip that he’d learned that not all desires had to be suppressed.

One thing led to another, and before he knew it, Elder Gardner had not only revealed the truth of the Order, he’d managed to get his thick cock in his roommate’s mouth!

Gardner trusted his companion to keep his secret, especially since they had shared such a hot encounter. But Elder Lund, still feeling compelled to follow the Mormon tradition of tattling, told the mission president everything!

Not knowing any of this, Elder Gardner walked into the temple smiling, making his way instinctively toward the bright rooms in which he’d been courted time after time. Instead, the temple patrons told him to head down toward the basement.

The bright white areas of the temple fell away as he went further down. The spaces went dark and the halls became less inviting. He made his way into a large, dark room, where President Ballard stood patiently. For a second, Gardner was thrilled, hoping for a happy reunion. The expression on the president’s face, however, was less than pleased.

Standing beside him stood Bishop Angus, his beefy chest puffed out in his white shirt. He similarly looked stern, pressing his lips together in a way that made them hide beneath his salt and pepper beard. Gardner’s expression changed to one of concern. …They knew.

Bishop Angus explained that he had violated the sacred vow of secrecy. Measures were already being taken to keep the Order protected, but the infraction could not and would not go unpunished.

Elder Gardner began to plead his case for forgiveness, but was quickly stopped. Angus told him they had their own method of atonement that he was to complete. And he would oversee.

The two men walked over to a short, cloth-covered table. It appeared to have objects underneath, though Gardner could not tell what. Ballard and Angus removed the cover to reveal a narrow table studded with black, shiny pegs, increasing sequentially in size.

Bishop Angus sat down in large, red chair placed at the end of the table, closest to the largest of the pegs. He looked up at the wide-eyed and nervous Gardner, then to President Ballard.

“Let’s begin by getting Elder Gardner undressed.”

President Ballard nodded, displaying an unusual deference that Elder Gardner had not seen. He did as the bishop ordered, undressing the young missionary piece by piece.

Ballard’s hands moved all over Gardner’s body, removing even his socks, shoes, and garments. Where he could, he snuck in a quick, adoring touch of his stomach and chest. Ballard shot Gardner a small smile, indicating to him that he would look after him. The young boy was comforted slightly, but couldn’t escape the steely look of Bishop Angus overseeing his trial.

“Prepare the stretcher and have the boy proceed to the first peg.”

President Ballard lingered a hand on Gardner’s body for an extra second before retrieve a bottle of oil out from under the table. He pushed a few squirts of the clear liquid onto his hands and then began to rub each of the shiny protuberances.

As the president moved down the line, Gardner’s body visibly tensed, watching the older man’s hand squeeze over each knob. As they got bigger, he could see the man’s fingers stretch open wider and wider, until the very last one appeared to be the size of a pool ball… maybe bigger. He got nervous, knowing how that oil had been used before.

As if hearing his worried thoughts, President Ballard came back over to him and rubbed some oil onto his tight hole. It felt good, but it all but confirmed for the young boy what his atonement would be.

Taking Gardner’s hand and walking him over to the first peg, President Ballard helped him sit down slowly and take the first peg into his hole.

“All the way down,” Bishop Angus ordered, watching closely from the far end of the table’s length.

Gardner did and then immediately started to move off.

“I didn’t tell you to come up.”

Gardner shot him a scared look, unsure of what to do. He stayed frozen like a deer in headlights. Angus nodded, indicating that the boy sit fully back down on it. Gardner complied.

“How does it feel,” Angus asked. “Was it easy?”

Elder Gardner nodded hesitantly, not sure if he should be honest or say what he wanted to hear. What did he want it to hear? Should it be hard? It certainly wasn’t easy.

Bishop Angus told him to move to the next one. And then the next one. Each time giving off rapid-fire instructions. Move up and down. Stay up. Stay down. Lift up his balls so he could inspect the penetrating object. Each time asking how it feels. And every time that Gardener answered positively, he was ordered to continue.

It hurt to press himself down on the next. He couldn’t take it all and his hole was beginning to burn. He told Bishop Angus this and he could could see him struggling. Angus let Gardner stroke himself, thinking it might relax him a little, but even this allowance was not enough.

“I can’t do it,” Gardner said defeated under his breath.

It was then that President Ballard came behind him and put his hand on the back of his neck. With the other hand, the older man took over his stroking. Gardner felt better. Calmer. Nothing was quite like the touch of President Ballard. Still, even with the older man’s intervention, he had hit his limit.

“You did the best you could,” Bishop Angus said, taking a more fatherly tone than before. He’d not raised his voice or shown his anger once. He seemed more disappointed than upset. But the way he said this seemed like it was to make Gardner feel better about his failure than to make him feel bad about his wrongdoing.

Still feeling slightly defeated (and slightly worn out), Elder Gardner was brought by the two men into a side room. In the middle of this room stood a low, large, black stool, like a giant ottoman.

The two men bent him over the low platform on all fours. They retrieved a red cloth and blindfolded him. In the blackness of his mind, Gardner’s imagination began to race.

President Ballard held his head in his hands, reminding the boy he was not alone, as if the president were still keeping him safe.

Bishop Angus ran his fingers over the boy’s hole, feeling how incredibly hot and wet it was. It seemed as if a small furnace was burning under it.

The two men looked down on Gardner and began to slowly undress. All the while, the young boy stood completely still, listening carefully over his beating pulse to the sound of their clothing rustle and fall to the ground. He tried to imagine what the sexy men looked like in their progressing state of nakedness, listening for each article of clothing and picturing their muscular bodies.

It was in his heightened sensory state that he felt Bishop Angus gently mount up behind him and place his hard, thick penis up against his sensitive hole. Ballard held him once more, keeping him still by just gently pressing his hands against the sides of his head.

When Angus pushed himself into Gardner, he could feel the searing hot insides of the young boy tighten around his shaft. It was an intense feeling that even Angus had not expected. It was clear that the boy’s hole was still a bit raw and that the boy was in some kind of pain, but it felt too good to stop.

President Ballard could hear the boy quietly wince and moan, and out of a sympathetic courtesy, put his fat cock in the boy’s mouth. Not even so much to silence him, but rather to soothe him.

Knowing the boy’s struggle and his connection to the handsome president, Bishop Angus pulled out of the young missionary and switched places with his colleague.

Ballard took stock of the boy’s hole, seeing it glisten red and pink. Even as it was, he still thought this was the most beautiful part of his young boy.

“Do you want him inside you?” Bishop Angus asked, watching Ballard lube up his cock with oil.

Barely managing to speak, the young boy answered, “Yes, sir.”

With that, Ballard pushed himself slowly inside Gardner, opening him up even further than the pegs had. Gardner knew this to be true, but somehow the fact that it was Ballard made all the difference. The familiar cock knew how to open him up and to keep him open in ecstasy.

Elder Gardner sucked Bishop Angus’ cock as Ballard continued to fuck him. It was a lot to handle and he knew on some level the pain was part of his atonement. But for President Ballard’s cock, Elder Gardner would gladly endure whatever the Brethren asked of him…